Sustainable Science Management

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真正的问题可能是:“全球网赌十大网站知道可持续性到底是什么吗??". 全球网赌十大网站知道,全球网赌十大网站最好的科学已经确定了威胁全球网赌十大网站的世界甚至全球网赌十大网站的生存的不可持续的条件. 即使全球网赌十大网站尽了最大的努力,各种因素也会阻碍全球网赌十大网站把事情做好. Realistically, 可持续发展要求全球网赌十大网站接受不确定性和全球网赌十大网站的局限性, with a commitment to improve on a continuing basis. The bottom line is, sustainability is all about humans, we cause the problems and we can find the answers. And truth be known, it is our own sustainability at stake.

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Program Overview

Bachelor of Applied Science / 120 credits

研究可持续发展是一项迷人而富有挑战性的工作. 准备领导在一个复杂的,动态的世界需要新的知识和技能.

As an island, 毛伊岛被认为是一个“封闭系统”,因此是一个天然的生活实验室,可以观察可持续发展追求的成功与失败. 可持续发展科学已经成为发展最快的职业之一, 在各种领域的应用和未来有意义的工作机会. Join the Sustainable Science Management (SSM) program today!


Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the functions, inter-relationships, 以及人类发展和自然发生的系统的局限性.
  2. 利用系统和可持续发展的科学工具来解决复杂的问题和设计持久的反应.
  3. Understand contemporary legal, technological, economic, cultural, and ethical infrastructure as it impacts sustainability.
  4. 利用传统的和新兴的方法来衡量行为的可持续性.
  5. Integrate transdisciplinary knowledge across cultural, social, 和教育领域,以确定和实施可持续的做法.

Success Stories

“SSM项目为我提供了一个难得的有利位置,拓宽了我对每天面临的问题的理解. By having this holistic view, I can confidently navigate the hurdles in my personal life, as well as my professional life. 利用我从SSM项目中获得的知识,我可以定位自己,实现我的目标,实现我的梦想.” 

Nicolas Timpone, SSM Alumni 2016


Careers & Education after taking this program:

Program graduates can pursue careers in a wide range of areas, both in the public and private sector, as well as within and outside of Hawai'i. Recent graduates have obtained jobs as teachers, entrepreneurs, resource managers, sustainability coordinators, and other sustainability-related positions. Recent graduates have pursued graduate education in Education, Law, and Sustainability.

Source, SSM项目毕业生数据基于离职面谈和电子邮件联系, during the period 2016-2018.

Take The Next Step

Contact Program Coordinator Meagan Jones for more information. 

Make sure to check class availability 选择你感兴趣的术语和主题:可持续科学管理. 

If you are a new 全球网赌十大网站 student, APPLY NOW online before August 8th for Fall 2023 semester. 

If you are transferring from another college, learn how to transfer your credits to UH Maui College.

You must submit the Transcript Evaluation form 对你的成绩单进行评估,以确定你的学分是否可以转移. 

Worried about paying for college? Learn more about Financial Aid. Financial aid does not apply to everyone.


Eri Nomura, SSM Counselor

Appointments: 808 984 3306 or schedule online



Tim Botkin, Assistant Professor

Phone: 808 984 3706



Meagan Jones, Program Coordinator

Phone: 808 984 3709


Course Schedules



View our current scholarship opportunities. Financial aid is available for those who qualify.